Run process on different namespace
nsenter! $ docker inspect –f ‘{{.State.Pid}}’ your_container_name —> you get a number 123456 $ nsenter -t 123456 -n YOURCOMMAND
nsenter! $ docker inspect –f ‘{{.State.Pid}}’ your_container_name —> you get a number 123456 $ nsenter -t 123456 -n YOURCOMMAND
$ cat instagram_list.txt | grep -o “@\w*” | sort -u > instragram_tofollow.txt $ cat hashtags_list.txt | grep -o “#\w*” |…
In order to run odoo from the container we need to create and have accessible to the user the folder /var/lib/odoo….
It might be a good idea to have an article about docker in general, what it is, why I choose…
Apparently docker needs A LOT of space under /var to handle a devicemapper and stuff for the containers obviously, my root…
Download them from JetBrains website Copy them under /opt, I have created a subfolder called jetbrains. Use update-alternatives to do…
This might be not really cutting-edge but I was stuck in a crib for a while. Today I discovered Polymer…
Fonte incerta, forse quora. I have prepared a good set of programming questions that might help you in ramping up….
Visto il quadro normativo delirante e impeciottato, ecco un po’ di link ed informazioni utili. MiSE – Libero Uso e…